Yves began designing outfits for dolls
and creating vibrant stage sets, staging
He was a frail and sickly child.
Yves Saint Laurent was born in 1936 in the Algerian city of Oran to Lucienne and Charles Mathieu-Saint-Laurent.
However, despite growing up
Lucienne adored being in the spotlight. She was known for her bold choices, like wearing fur coats
in warm weather, painting her lips with the brightest red lipstick, and being an exceptional dancer.
It was Lucienne who introduced Yves
to the world of theater and opera -
a world he never wanted to leave.
He was frequently bullied by his classmates for his dress sketches,
a passion he discovered at the age of eight, inspired by his mother’s vivid outfits.
in a positive environment with his two younger sisters, the childhood of the future couturier was far from happy.
His mother, a refined socialite, and his father, an insurance company employee and owner of a cinema chain
in Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria, shaped his early life.
Yves Saint Laurent was born in 1936 in the Algerian city of Oran to Lucienne and Charles Mathieu-Saint-Laurent. His mother,
a refined socialite, and his father, an insurance company employee and owner of a cinema chain in Morocco,
Tunisia, and Algeria, shaped his early life.
Lucienne adored being in the spotlight. She
was known for her bold choices, like wearing
fur coats in warm weather, painting her lips
with the brightest red lipstick, and being an exceptional dancer. It was Lucienne who introduced Yves
to the world of theater and opera - a world he never wanted to leave.
However, despite growing up
in a positive environment with his two younger sisters, the childhood of the future couturier was far from happy.
Yves began designing outfits for dolls and creating vibrant stage sets, staging secret performances at night for his younger
sisters, Michelle and Brigitte.
secret performances
at night for his younger sisters, Michelle
and Brigitte.
He was frequently bullied by his classmates for his dress sketches, a passion he discovered at the
age of eight, inspired by his
mother’s vivid outfits.
в теплую погоду, красила губы самой ярко-красной помадой и прекрасно танцевала. Именно Люсьенна открыла для сына мир театра и оперы, а он уже
не захотел его покидать.
Модные показы для старших
Он регулярно подвергался нападкам
со стороны одноклассников. Причиной травли были рисунки платьев, которыми одаренный ребенок заинтересовался в восьмилетнем возрасте благодаря ярким образам мамы.
Дизайнер был очень слабым
и болезненным ребенком
Впрочем, несмотря на то,
что мальчик и его две младшие сестры росли в позитивной
Ив стал клеить наряды для кукол и создавать красочные декорации, а потом устраивать тайные представления по ночам для своих младших сестер Мишель и Брижит.
атмосфере,детство будущего кутюрье
нельзя назвать счастливым.